These data are consistent with a role of PI3K in the regulation of voltage independent Cl channels, as well. PI3K in partic selleck inhibitor ular is activated by G dimers, which are released upon dissociation of G? complexes following activation of GPCRs. Our experimental data demonstrate activa tion of PI3K in veins incubated with the G protein cou pled ?2 adrenoceptor agonists NE and clonidine. Furthermore, since the NE and clonidine mediated activa tion of PI3K, PKC? and of the SMD was prevented by yohimbine, our results demonstrate that activation of ?2 adrenoceptors is required for activation of PI3K and PKC?, and possibly for activation of membrane Cl and/or NCSS channels and SMD in canine mesenteric vein.
While the molecular identity of the membrane ion channels involved in these effects is presently elusive, our electro physiological and biochemical data provide support to the possibility that activation of ?2 adrenoceptors, PI3K and atypical PKC is essential for the reg ulation of the autonomic nervous system and vascular smooth muscle tone. Conclusion In this study we provide functional and biochemical evi dence that NE, released from postganglionic nerve termi nals, activates postjunctional ?2 adrenoceptors, PI3Ks and atypical PKCs in canine isolated mesenteric vein. Our results further suggest that specific isoforms of the PI3K and PKC families, i. e. PI3K and PKC? respectively, may participate in the signal transduction pathway that couples ?2 adrenoceptors to membrane ion channels. This signal transduction pathway mediates slow mem brane depolarization and vasoconstriction of canine mesenteric vein.
Methods Tissue preparation Seventy four mongrel dogs of either sex were obtained from vendors licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture. The use of dogs was approved by the University of Nevadas Animal Care and Use Com mittee. The animals were sacrificed with an overdose of pentobarbitone sodium, as recommended by the Panel on Euthanasia of the Ameri can Veterinary Medical Association. Experiments were conducted with second and third order branches of the inferior mesenteric vein, dis sected and denuded of endothelium as outlined previ ously. Intracellular recording of membrane potential Ring segments were pinned out on the sylgard bottom of a 2 ml recording chamber perfused with Krebs solution with the following composition 150 NaCl, 4.
6 KCl, 1. 2 MgCl2, 2. 5 CaCl2, 24. 8 NaHCO3, 1. 2 KH2PO4 and 5. 6 dextrose. Intracellular measurements were made through the adventitia of the vessel with fiber containing borosilicate electrodes filled with 3 M KCl, as described previously. EFS at supramax imal voltage with trains of square wave pulses was applied at 0. 1 AV-951 2 Hz for 10 s by means of two parallel platinum electrodes on both sides of the ves sel connected to a Grass S48 stimulator.