73-100.27% for drug are indicative of excellent accuracy and recovery. There was no evidence of peaks or any other interfering co eluting peaks at the RF of standard (0.59) [Figure 3]. This indicates that the method is specific. Stability studies were carried out for standard. It was found to be stable in sample solution, prior to development and after development. Figure 4 Calibration curve CONCLUSION The proposed HPTLC method is rapid, specific, precise and accurate. The promising validation results of the optimized method confirm the application of the method, in routine analysis of lumefantrine in bulk drugs and pharmaceutical dosage forms. Hence, we conclude that the method discussed above is of considerable importance to the pharmaceutical industry with wide application in quantitative estimation of lumefantrine. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Authors thank Benzochem Lifesciences Pvt. Pharmaceutical Ltd., Mumbai, India for providing the authentic standard of lumefantrine. Footnotes Source of Support: Nil Conflict of Interest: None declared.
Ofloxacin was received as a gift sample from Racspeed Pharma, Ahmedabad, India. Ornidazole was purchased from Yarrow Chem Product, Mumbai, India. The tablets (referred as T1 and T2) of the said combination were purchased from a local pharmacy (The label claim for both T1 and T2 was to contain 200 mg of ofloxacin and 500 mg of ornidazole). All the chemicals used were of either pharmaceutical or analytical grade. Instrument All the absorbance measurements were made on a double-beam UV visible spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan, model UV �C 1800) with matched quartz cuvettes. Methods Preparation of standard drug solution The standard stock solutions of ofloxacin and ornidazole were separately prepared by dissolving 100 mg of ofloxacin or ornidazole in 100 ml of three different dissolution media. A stock solution of ofloxacin and ornidazole were further diluted with respective media to get a standard solution of concentration 100 ��g/ml. Study of Beer�CLambert’s law The standard solution of ofloxacin (5 ��g/ml) and ornidazole (12 ��g/ml) in three different dissolution media namely 0.1 N HCl, phosphate buffer pH 6.8, and phosphate buffer 7.4 were prepared and scanned in the entire UV range to determine the ��max of both the drugs. The ��max of ofloxacin was found to be 294 nm in 0.1 N HCl and 287 nm in both the phosphate buffers. The ��max of ornidazole was found to be 277 nm in 0.1 N HCl and 319 nm in both the phosphate buffers. A series of standard solution were prepared in different dissolution media in the concentration range of 1�C40 ��g/ml using a working standard solution. The absorbance of those standard solutions was taken at ��max in respective media, and calibration curves were plotted at these wavelengths. The linearity observed was in the concentration range of 1�C8 ��g/ml and 4�C25 ��g/ml for ofloxacin and ornidazole, respectively [Figures [Figures11 and and22].