1.2 (all the equipment and reagents were from Life Technologies, except otherwise indicated). A peak detection threshold of 200 RFUs was used for marker identification calls. The haplotype frequencies were determined by surveying the maternal plasma Y-STR haplotype at the Brazilian national database (n = 5328) on the Y-Chromosome
haplotype reference database (YHRD). The 17 loci included in the Yfiler were considered for this analysis (haplotype in the Yfiler format), because of the low number of Powerplex Y23 haplotypes in the database for the considered population and the absence of data for some loci included in the Mini-1 (DYS522, DYS508, DYS632, DYS556) and Mini-2 (DYS540) reactions. The paternity index for Dabrafenib order each case was calculated as previously described [20]. In short, in cases without mutation, the paternity index is the one divided by the haplotype frequency; in cases with mutation/exclusion, the paternity index is (0.5 × μ) divided by the haplotype frequency, ABT-737 supplier where μ is the overall mutation rate of the locus, showing a single mutation/exclusion due to contraction/expansion of one repeat unit [20]. The probability of paternity was calculated
by the following formula: paternity index × 100/(paternity index − 1) [21]. Sabin laboratory is ISO9001/2008 certified, participates in the GHEP/ISFG proficiency testing and contributes by sending haplotypes to Baricitinib the YHRD. The DYS-14 assay was used to determine the fetal sex during pregnancy and guided the volunteers’ selection for the Y-STR analysis. The first consecutive 20 and 10 mothers bearing male and female fetuses, respectively, were
selected for Y-STR analysis. After the delivery, we observed a complete concordance between the fetal sex attributed by the DYS-14 assay and the newborn gender. Considering all multiplex systems (Powerplex Y23, Yfiler and Mini-1/-2), between 22 and 27 loci (25 on median) were successfully amplified from maternal plasma in all 20 cases of male fetuses and either no or neglected Y-STR amplification was observed in women bearing female fetuses (Table 1 and Table S1). Representative electropherograms obtained from maternal plasma by using the Powerplex Y23 and Yfiler in a male and in a female samples are illustrated in Figs. S1 and S2, respectively. In addition, representative electropherograms obtained by using the Mini-1/-2 can be found in Fig. S3. Clearly, the fetal Y-STR detection success was amplicon size dependent and it ranged from 100% to 5% in Powerplex Y23, from 100% to 50% in Yfiler and it was 100% for all loci included in mini-1/-2. Indeed, all Y-STR loci with detection success of 55% or less have amplicons with size greater than 250 bp (Table S2). The specific contribution of each multiplex for the Y-STR loci detection success is detailed in Table 2.