Considering both the early and the late negativities as vMMNs, emergence of the successive components suggests a cascade of memory-related processes. This possibility fits the idea that mismatch responses are correlates of hierarchically organised error signals; i.e. the difference between a model predicting the characteristics of ongoing stimulation and bottom-up processes elicited by the actual stimulation (Winkler & Czigler, 2012). vMMNs in the earlier and later latency ranges had similar surface distributions. Therefore, it is unlikely that the early and late vMMNs are attributable to the structural hierarchy of the visual system. Instead, we consider the later component
to be a manifestation of recurrent activity. So far, there have been only a few attempts to localise vMMNs. These studies identified MK-8669 datasheet the prestriate cortex as generator of vMMN (Czigler et al., 2004; Kimura et al., 2010; Sulykos & Czigler, 2011). According to a magnetoencephalography study, the middle occipital gyrus is an important cortical area whose activity reflects the
sensory memory-based visual change-detection processes PI3K inhibitor (Urakawa et al., 2010). Furthermore, Yucel et al. (2007) reported a deviant-related extensive network (occipital–fusiform, posterior parietal, prefrontal and subcortical regions). In these regions, unattended deviants elicited blood oxygen level-dependent activation that decreased with the difficulty of a demanding visuomotor tracking task. The emergence of vMMN
elicited by random deviants and the lack of vMMN elicited by symmetric deviants are analogous to an effect in auditory modality. Within a series of legal syllables in a language, an irregular syllable elicited Lck mismatch negativity, but a legal deviant in a series of irregular ones did not (Steinberg et al., 2011). Accordingly, violation of an existing category resulted in automatic detection processes; however, in the absence of categorisation, there were no such processes. It seems that the role of category-related representation in the two modalities is similar. In conclusion, the results of the present study show that bilateral vertical symmetry is a prominent stimulus category, and that stimuli violating the rule of successive appearance of such patterns elicit deviant-related components, even if the stimulus patterns are unrelated to the ongoing behavior. This work was supported by the Hungarian Research Found (OTKA 71600). We thank Professor John Foxe for helpful comments and suggestions. “
“Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) is a neuropeptide expressed widely in nervous tissues. PACAP-knockout (−/−) mice display a sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)-like phenotype, although the underlying physiological mechanism to explain this remains unclear. Here, we report on the presence of abnormal respiratory activity in PACAP−/− mice under hypoxic conditions, which provides a basis for the SIDS-like phenotype.