A GTR+I+G model was applied to each subset regardless of partitioning strategy. Phycas stepping-stone analyses involved 10,000 cycles of a single Markov chain for each of 21 beta values. An additional 20,000 cycles were added at the beginning (beta = 1) to ensure adequate parameterization Obeticholic Acid research buy of the reference distribution. The tree topology was constrained to the one
shown in Figure 2 for all stepping-stone analyses. The second-most complex partitioning scheme scored best, and therefore the data set was divided into 13 subsets: rDNA (18S, 5.8S, and 28S), and each protein-coding gene divided by codon position (rbcL 1st positions, rbcL 2nd positions, rbcL 3rd positions, tufA 1st positions, etc.). A maximum likelihood (ML) analysis was conducted on the partitioned (by gene and codon position) 7-gene data set using Garli v.2.0 (Zwickl 2006), with five independent searches
for the best tree and 100 bootstrap (BS) pseudoreplicates to estimate branch support. In addition to a combined partitioned analysis, each gene was analyzed separately using Phycas to assess phylogenetic signal coming from individual data subsets. In the cases of protein-coding genes, the data sets were partitioned by codon position. Similarly, phylogenetic signal from nuclear genes versus plastid genes was compared by analyzing these subsets of data separately, with plastid genes partitioned by gene and codon position. All Phycas analyses were run for 100,000 cycles with polytomies allowed, and the first 200 cycles were discarded as burn-in. Phycas scripts specifying settings and priors Small molecule library used are
provided in the supplementary selleck chemicals llc materials Appendix S1 in the Supporting Information. Because this is a study of taxa that have already proven difficult to place phylogenetically, we used Bayesian Concordance Analysis (BCA; Ané et al. 2007) to investigate the degree of phylogenetic concordance amongst the seven genes. Complete concordance means all genes share the same tree topology, while complete discordance means each gene evolved on a unique tree topology. Unlike other species tree approaches, BCA makes no assumptions about the underlying causes of discordance, using nonparametric Bayesian clustering to estimate the posterior distribution of gene-tree maps, which map each gene to a particular tree topology. BUCKy (Larget et al. 2010) was used to carry out BCA. BUCKy uses samples from the posterior distributions of single-gene analyses as input, but does not allow polytomies, so separate single-gene analyses (that did not consider polytomous trees) were performed in Phycas only for BCA. The newly characterized strains UTEX B2977, SAG 2265, BCP-ZNP1VF31, and UTEX B2979 resemble members of the genus Bracteacoccus morphologically (Fig. 1). Vegetative cells are spherical to somewhat irregular, and young cells (Fig.