Deletion E (174 bp) was previously described by Baum at al. in a clinical S. aureus strain [14]. Deletion G (63 bp) is a novel
deletion always paired with insertion B (63 bp) (Figure 3). Non-typeable samples with persistent mixed sequence traces revealed the presence of the insertion C2 (174 bp) (Figure 3). This insertion contains additional binding sites for the spaT3-F and original spa-forward primer, producing two PCR products and distinct double peaks in sequence traces when sequenced with the original spa-forward primer. Sequencing from the FK506 solubility dmso reverse primer (1517R) produced clean sequence traces without double peaks. Surprisingly, in some samples that did not amplify with the standard primer set we found rearrangements represented by deletion A (357 bp) and deletion D/insertion A (174 bp/10 bp) that do not affect the position of the standard forward primer. To investigate the see more presence of deletions
that do not affect spa-typing and therefore can remain unnoticed, we sequenced the whole spa-gene from 32 community carriage and 67 bacteraemia isolates chosen at random from the previously spa-typed collection. We found four novel deletions, deletion D (174 bp) in both bacteraemia and community strains, deletion L (183 bp) only in community strains, deletion H (705 bp) and deletion I/insertion C1 (531 bp/ 174 bp) only in bacteraemia isolates (Figure 3). The largest deletions of three to four IgG-binding domains were found only in S. aureus bacteraemia strains. Therefore,
the presence of different types of deletions and insertions in the spa-gene, identified by spaT3-F/1517R primers, demonstrates that S. aureus colonization/infection is highly complex. People may have a single strain without rearrangements, with deletions that do not affect spa-typing, or with rearrangements that do affect spa-typing. Alternatively, they may carry multiple strains without deletions PRKD3 in any strain, with ‘hidden’ deletions that do not affect spa-typing in one or more strains, or with rearrangements that do affect spa-typing in one or more strains. Prevalence of spa-gene rearrangements in community and hospital strains Spa-typing of 3905 community S. aureus isolates and 2205 hospital isolates using the staged spa-typing protocol showed that 1.8% (n = 72) of samples from 1.8% community carriers and 0.6% (n = 14) of samples from 0.7% inpatients were formerly non-typeable (Table 1). Significantly more strains from individuals in the community were formerly non-typeable compared with hospital inpatients (p < 0.0001), and there was also a trend towards more individuals carrying formerly non-typeable strains in the community than hospital (p = 0.053).