This is similar to the level Entospletinib nmr of LL-37 reported in human plasma (1.18 μg/ml) [27], suggesting that this is a physiologically relevant potency of LL-37. Table 1 Peptides used in this study Antimicrobial Peptides Sequence Net charge NA-CATH KR F KKFFKK L KNSVKKR A KKFFKK P KVIGVTFPF 15 NA-CATH-ATRA1-ATRA1 KR F KKFFKK L KNSVKKR F KKFFK K LKVIGVTFPF 15 ATRA-1 KRFKKFFKKLK-NH2 8 ATRA-2 KRAKKFFKKPK-NH2 8 Selleck YH25448 ATRA-1A KRAKKFFKKLK-NH2 8 LL-37 LLGDFFRKSKEKIGKEFKRIVQRIKDFLRNLVPRTES
6 D-LL-37 LLGDFFRKSKEKIGKEFKRIVQRIKDFLRNLVPRTES 6 Scrambled LL-37 GLKLRFEFSKIKGEFLKTPEVRFRDIKLKDNRISVQR 6 This table indicates the Sequence and charges of the antimicrobial peptides used. Percent (%) survival was calculated by counting CFUs, after 3 hr incubations with various peptide concentrations in 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). The EC50 is reported. a, The EC50s were found to be 2.9 μg/ml for NA-CATH and 1.3 μg/ml for LL-37. b, EC50s were found to be 0.51 μg/ml for NA-CATH:ATRA1-ATRA1 and 2.9 μg/ml for NA-CATH. c, EC50s were found
to be 0.51 μg/ml for NA-CATH:ATRA1-ATRA1 and 1.3 μg/ml for LL-37. d, EC50s were found to be 0.52 μg/ml for ATRA-1 and 18 μg/ml for ATRA-2. e, EC50s were found to be 13 μg/ml for D-LL-37 and 1.3 μg/ml for LL-37. f, EC50s were found to be 0.73 μg/ml for ATRA-1A and 0.52 μg/ml for ATRA-1. Curves were fit to the data, and R2 values were as follows: 0.97 for NA-CATH:ATRA1-ATRA1; 0.98 for NA-CATH; 0.95 for LL-37; 0.95 for D-LL-37;
0.98 for ATRA-1; 0.96 for ATRA-2; 0.96 for ATRA-1A. Table 2 EC50s of AMPs against S. aureus Antimicrobial Peptides Molecular weight (g/mol) EC50 (μg/ml) 95% CI EC50 (μM) NA-CATH 5885.50 2.85 1.22-6.69 0.48 NA-CATH-ATRA1-ATRA1 5977.60 0.51 0.25-1.01 0.09 ATRA-1 2409.06 0.52 0.25-1.11 0.22 ATRA-2 2316.96 18.0 7.67-41.8 7.77 ATRA-1A 2332.96 0.73 0.33-1.62 0.31 LL-37 5177.42 1.27 0.44-3.72 0.25 D-LL-37 5177.42 12.7 6.48-24.9 2.45 This table indicates the EC50 of the peptides against S. aureus in an anti-microbial assay. (*) The molecular weight selleck chemicals reported here for each peptide reflects the TFA salts of the peptides. These molecular weights were then used to convert the EC50 in μg/ml to μM, to enable comparisons on a molecule by molecule basis. b. Synthetic peptides demonstrate anti-microbial activity against S. aureus S. aureus was also subjected to treatment with four synthetic peptides (Table 1), ATRA-1, ATRA-2, ATRA-1A, and NA-CATH:ATRA1-ATRA1, which represent variations on the ATRA-repeated motif of NA-CATH. The two ATRA peptides, ATRA-1 and ATRA-2, differ by two residues at the 3rd (F/A) and 10th (L/P) position.