Genome Biology 2004, 5:R12.PubMedCrossRef 38. Papp AC, Pinsonneault JK, Cooke G, Sadee W: Single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping using allele-specific PCR and fluorescence melting curves. Biotechniques 2003, 34:1068–1072.PubMed Authors’ buy Idasanutlin contributions GC and DNB carried out the molecular genetic studies, constructed the figures, performed data analysis, and drafted the manuscript.
EZ and GB carried out the molecular genetic studies, MK, NT, ST, PI, JF assisted in the design of the study. SMBS, JSBS, SS, and MDC participated in the computational in silico data analyses. JTF sequenced the Georgian strain. MG, AHP, and ELK carried out the molecular genetic studies. AJV participated in the design of the study and drafted the manuscript. JDB and TP drafted the manuscript. DMW assisted in the design of the
study and drafted the manuscript. PK participated in the project design, data interpretation and drafted the manuscript. All authors read and approved of the final manuscript.”
“Background Spectrophotometric measurements are ubiquitous for quantitative click here analyses of dynamic biological processes. In contrast, many other useful measurements require laborious sample treatment that may include separation or extractions, colorimetric reactions, electrophoresis as well as many other biochemical analyses. These latter measurements are generally done as endpoint or offline measurements. As opposed to the high temporal resolution of online measurements, offline measurements cannot generally be used to monitor a dynamic process with the same frequency. Furthermore, when the analyses require sample destruction then the offline method can only be used for endpoint measurements.
This raises the question whether offline measurements can be integrated with high-resolution online measurements for a more comprehensive examination of biological processes. Here, we propose a simple method to integrate Interleukin-2 receptor cell growth data monitored at high temporal resolution with endpoint measurements of secreted metabolites that require offline sample treatment. The method takes advantage of the exponential growth of bacterial cultures [1]. For typical cell cultures, where growth curves are highly reproducible, the serial dilution of an inoculum will lead to growth curves that are shifted in time. The time-shift is the combination of a period of cell adaptation (the “”lag”" phase [1]) and the time it takes for the culture to grow to detectable values of cell density. The total shift is longer in cultures started from lower concentrations because it takes more cell divisions to reach the detectable cell density. If the lag period is independent of cell density, then the growth curves are only shifted in time due to the differences in initial density and growth curves can be synchronized a posteriori by calculating the time-shift that maximizes the overlap between them.