2; Table S4) We examined whether the activity

of a given

2; Table S4). We examined whether the activity

of a given neuron during the feedback period was significantly related to the animal’s choice Ivacaftor in the next trial, after the effects of actual and hypothetical outcomes were accounted for. The number of neurons showing such effects was 15 (4.9%) and 13 (6.5%) in DLPFC and OFC, respectively, and was not significantly higher than expected by chance (binomial test, p > 0.4). The proportion of such neurons was not significantly higher even for the neurons that showed significant effect of hypothetical outcomes (χ2 test, p > 0.1, for both cortical areas). Despite the lack of direct linkage between random fluctuation in the activity during the feedback period and the animal’s choice in the next trial, neurons in DLPFC and OFC showing outcome-related activity during the feedback period tended to show choice-related activity in other epochs. During the delay period, 34 (11.0%) and 13 (6.5%) neurons in DLPFC and OFC, respectively, changed their

activity significantly according to the animal’s choice in the same trial, whereas this increased to 179 (58.1%) and 52 (25.9%) during the prefeedback period (Table 2). The difference in the Selleckchem IBET151 proportion of choice-related activity was significantly different for the two areas during the prefeedback period (χ2 test, p < 10−12), but not during the delay period (p = 0.08). DLPFC neurons showing choice-specific effects of actual outcomes during the feedback period were significantly more likely to encode the animal's choice Resminostat during these two periods (22.2% and 69.8%, respectively; χ2 test, p < 0.05). The number of neurons encoding the animal's choice during the fore-period was relatively low and not

significantly different from expected by chance (21 and 10 neurons in DLPFC and OFC, respectively). Nevertheless, OFC neurons encoding actual outcomes or hypothetical outcomes associated with specific actions were significantly more likely to encode the animal’s choice during the fore-period (Table 2; p < 0.05). Previous studies on the neurobiological substrate of reinforcement learning in animals have almost entirely focused on the behavioral and neural changes associated with actual outcomes, namely reinforcement and punishment. These studies have implicated multiple brain areas including the basal ganglia as the substrates for such learning (Schultz et al., 1997, O’Doherty et al., 2004, Daw et al., 2005, Hikosaka et al., 2006, Matsumoto et al., 2007, Graybiel, 2008, Lee, 2008, Seo and Lee, 2009, Kim et al., 2009 and Sul et al., 2010). However, actual outcomes represent only a small proportion of information that can be gained after performing an action in real life. In particular, the information about hypothetical outcomes from unchosen alternative actions can be used to revise the animal’s internal model of its environment.

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