[3] In the absence of a population-based study, the exact prevalence of mucormycosis in India remains difficult to elucidate.[3] However, on the basis of data available from certain groups of patients, the disease prevalence appears to be nearly 0.16% amongst diabetics and 1.2% amongst renal transplant selleckchem recipients, with most of these cases manifesting as the ROC form.[16, 17] Also, gastrointestinal mucormycosis reportedly occurs in nearly 20% of all operated cases of neonatal enterocolitis in one center.[18] In fact, the frequency of gastrointestinal mucormycosis was found to be so high in that
centre that clinicians suspect the disease in any neonate having intestinal perforation. We recently reviewed Indian literature for the past five decades (1960–2012), and developed a computational model to determine the burden of mucormycosis. The results reveal an
overall mucormycosis prevalence of 0.14 cases per 1000 population in India, with the prevalence range between 208 177 and 137 807 cases (Mean: 171 504; SD: 12 365.6; 95% CI: 195 777–147 688) and a mean of 65 500 (38.2%) attributable deaths per year.[19] Based on the clinical presentations, ROC is the most common form of mucormycosis in India, possibly due to its association Ulixertinib price with uncontrolled diabetes and diabetic ketoacidosis.[1, 3, 20] According to the multiple case series reported from our tertiary care centre in North India, the prevalence of different clinical types amongst mucormycosis cases is: ROC (48–55%), cutaneous (13–15%), pulmonary almost (7–17%), disseminated (5–12%), gastrointestinal (5–13%) and isolated renal (5–14%).[4-6] Likewise, in a meta-analysis of all the zygomycosis cases reported from India, Diwakar et al. describe an overall prevalence of ROC (58%), cutaneous (14%), pulmonary (6%), disseminated (7%), gastrointestinal (7%) and isolated renal (7%).[21] This is consistent with the global trend, wherein pulmonary and sinus infections (with/without central
nervous system involvement), followed by cutaneous type have been found to be the most prevalent.[22-25] Cases of necrotising fasciitis due to zygomycetes, occurring via contaminated intramuscular injections, are also a common finding.[7, 26] This happens due to compromise in healthcare practices and the use of contaminated needles. In addition, majority of the patients (60%) with cutaneous infections due to Apophysomyces elegans are from India.[1, 7, 27] The patients are usually immunocompetent individuals, who acquire the infection following penetrating trauma or burns.[1, 7, 27] However, no correlation between the environmental prevalence of this fungus and clinical cases has been described yet.