5 \times 13.8\mu m \), n = 10), 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindrical to cylindro-clavate, with a furcate pedicel that is 20–42.5 μm long, and ocular chamber up to 2.5 μm wide × 2.5 μm high (Fig. 36d and f). Ascospores 17.5–25 × (5.5-)6.3–9 μm (\( \barx = 20.5 \times 7.3\mu m \), n = 10), biseriate to partially overlapping uniseriate near the base, fusoid with narrowly rounded ends, hyaline when immature and becoming
pale brown, 1-septate, deeply constricted at the septum, the upper cell often broader than the lower one, verruculose (Fig. 36g and h). Anamorph: Pyrenochaeta rhenana Sacc. (Sivanesan 1984). Material examined: AUSTRIA, PI3K inhibitor on Rubus idaeus L., very rarely in the spring, in the Oestreicher meadow forest (G, F. rh. 2171, type). Notes Morphology Herpotrichia was established by see more Fuckel (1868) comprising two species H. rhenana Fuckel and H. rubi Fuckel, but no generic type was assigned. Bose (1961) LY411575 price designated H. rhenana as the lectotype species with H. rubi as a synonym. This proposal was followed by Müller and von Arx (1962) and Sivanesan (1971). Herpotrichia rubi was later assigned as the generic type (Holm 1979) as it was found to be validly published 2 years earlier than H. rhenana, thus having priority (Cannon 1982). However, Cannon (1982) reported that Sphaeria herpotrichoides
Fuckel (1864, cited as a synonym of H. rhenana) was the earliest name. Thus he made a new combination as H. herpotrichoides (Fuckel) P.F. Cannon and cited H. rubi as the synonym. Herpotrichia rubi is maintained as the type of the genus (Holm 1979; Cannon 1982), but the current name is H. herpotrichoides. Herpotrichia is a morphologically well studied genus (Barr 1984; Bose 1961; Müller and von Arx 1962; Pirozynski 1972; Samuels and Müller 1978; ifenprodil Sivanesan 1971, 1984), and Herpotrichia sensu lato is characterized by having subglobose, pyriform to obpyriform ascomata and a peridium of textura angularis or comprising thick-walled polygonal cells with thin-walled hyaline cells towards the centre. Asci are clavate to cylindrical, 4–8-spored and ascospores are
hyaline at first, becoming pale to dark brown, one to many septate, constricted or not at the septa and often surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath. Several morphologically distinct genera were synonymized under Herpotrichia using the above broad circumscription (Barr 1984; Müller and von Arx 1962; Sivanesan 1984). In particular, Barr kept Lojkania as a separate genus after studying its type material (Barr 1984, 1990a). Sivanesan (1984) was also of the opinion that Lojkania and Neopeckia were distinct genera as several of their characters differed. Byssosphaeria and Pseudotrichia have subsequently been assigned to Melanommataceae, Lojkania to Fenestellaceae and Neopeckia to Coccoideaceae (Barr 1984). Herpotrichia sensu stricto is represented by H.