95, P = 87 × 10−40 and r = 076, P = 13 × 10−15 for SCN-intact

95, P = 8.7 × 10−40 and r = 0.76, P = 1.3 × 10−15 for SCN-intact and SCN-lesioned rats, respectively). The damping rate of circadian Per2-dLuc rhythm was calculated as follows: a difference between the onsets of first and fourth peak was divided by the amplitude of first peak. Repeated-measure anova with a post hoc Fisher’s Protected Least Significant Difference (PLSD) test (Excel Statistics) was used to statistically evaluate differences in the 24-h behavior profile

between pre-R and R-MAP or R-Water, and changes in the amounts of water and food intake and body weight. Unpaired t-tests were used to evaluate differences in the phases of behavioral rhythm between two groups. Two-factor factorial anova with a post Stem Cell Compound Library hoc Fisher’s PLSD test was used to evaluate Histone Methyltransferase inhibitor differences

in the circadian peak phase, amplitude and damping rate of Per2-dLuc rhythms between the SCN-intact and SCN-lesioned rats, and between R-MAP and R-Water groups. Twenty-four-hour profiles of spontaneous movement and wheel-running activity were substantially modified by R-MAP in SCN-intact rats (Figs 1 and 3). The behavioral activities during the restricted time of MAP supply were enhanced and the nocturnal activities were suppressed in some rats but this was not statistically significant in the group (Fig. 3). Under subsequent ad-MAP, the activity

components at the restricted time of MAP supply showed rapid phase-delay shifts for the following 5 days, but the phase shifts slowed down when the activity onsets passed the middle of the dark phase. On the other hand, behavioral activity was enhanced by R-Water immediately prior to daily water supply (Fig. 3). Under subsequent ad-MAP, the nocturnal activities were enhanced and slightly phase-delayed. Circadian behavioral rhythms were abolished by bilateral SCN-lesion (Fig. 2). In the C1GALT1 R-MAP group, the behavioral activities were significantly enhanced during the restricted time of MAP supply, but such enhancement was not observed in the R-Water group (Fig. 3). Small but significant pre-drinking activity bouts were detected on the last few days of R-MAP and R-Water (Figs 2 and 3). Under subsequent ad-MAP, the enhanced activities during the restricted time of MAP supply showed steady phase-delay shifts without interruption by LD, indicating free-running of MAO. On the other hand, ad-MAP enhanced and consolidated behavioral activities in the R-Water group immediately after the previous restricted time of water supply, to form behavioral rhythms with a period close to 24 h. The phases of behavioral rhythms on the first day of ad-MAP were analysed in terms of activity band (Fig. 4A).

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