Follow-up is ongoing with the goal of completing the interviews and focus groups in 2014. The population survey has started in North and South India and AUY922 747412-49-3 is also anticipated to be completed in all sites by the end of 2014. Photographs have been collected for about 7500 products from 10 retail outlets in
Hyderabad and Delhi. Discussion India has relatively well organised strategies for prevention of non-communicable disease and has already highlighted salt reduction as a priority.32 As such, the time is ripe for a programme of work that can define the path towards policy actions targeting salt reduction. An effective Indian salt reduction programme would be anticipated to avert very large numbers of heart attack, stroke and other blood pressure-related diseases.33 With cardiovascular diseases already the leading cause of death in most parts of India,1 and cardiovascular disease events occurring on average a decade earlier than in the West,34 the potential significance of salt reduction for the health of the population is enormous.22 23 Several successful interventions to reduce dietary salt intake have demonstrated effectiveness in high-income countries. A salt reduction programme led by the Food Standards Agency and CASH (Consensus Action on Salt and Health) was launched in the UK in 2003, and it has since reduced dietary salt intake to 8.1 from 9.5 g/day as measured
by 24 h urinary sodium excretion in a random sample of the population.35 36 This reduction in salt intake was accompanied by a significant fall in the population’s blood pressure and mortality
from stroke and ischaemic heart disease.36 The success of the UK programme is largely due to establishing progressively lower targets for salt levels in foods. Japan and Finland also implemented successful salt reduction strategies in the 1970s and have reported reductions in daily salt intake of 2.3 and 4.7 g/day, respectively, driven by public education programmes (Japan), food reformulation targets and mandatory warning labels for foods high in salt (Finland).33 37 An important new approach is now being taken by South Africa, which has recently passed legislation making salt reduction in processed food mandatory, with initial reductions to be achieved by 2016, and further reductions enforced by 2018.38 These and other completed and ongoing programmes, in conjunction with the collection of the new data Anacetrapib described above, will support the development of the programme for India. The key strengths of the current project are the new scientific data that will emanate from the large population surveys and the evaluations of the food supply. These will be important new data for India and will underpin the case for action. By conducting this survey work in conjunction with a stakeholder evaluation, there will be comprehensive information available for the development of practical strategies which should greatly increase the likelihood that the study outcome will translate into action.