, Syst mycol (Lundae) 1: 33 (1821), = Hygrophorus persicolor Ri

, Syst. mycol. (Lundae) 1: 33 (1821), = Hygrophorus persicolor Ricek, Z. Pilzk. 40(1–2): 6 (1974). Basionym: Hygrophorus [unranked] Colorati [unranked] Pudorini Bataille, https://www.selleckchem.com/products/qnz-evp4593.html Mém. Soc. émul. Doubs, sér. 8 4: 158 (1910). Basidiomes usually dry, lacking a glutinous universal veil, sometimes with a cortinoid partial veil, usually white to pallid, with pinkish buff, pinkish tan, russet, pinkish orange or vinaceous tints or spots, or colored apricot, rose, red, purple or vinaceous purple, rarely completely white or cream colored; lamellae crowded to subdistant,

adnate to subdecurrent; stipe dry, often with pruina, glandular dots or a cortinoid fugacious annulus. Phylogenetic support Sect. Pudorini is an unsupported monophyletic group in our expanded Hygrophorus ITS (Online Resource 9) and Supermatrix analyses (21 % and 23 % MLBS, respectively).

Sect. Pudorini is polyphyletic in our LSU analysis, but there is no significant backbone support. In the four-gene analysis presented by Larsson (2010; unpublished data), sect. Pudorini appears as a grade that is paraphyletic with regard to sect. Olivaceoumbrini (basal branch placing selleck subsect. Salmonicolores as sister to subsects. Pudorini and Olivaceoumbrini with 71 % MPBS). Subsections included Clitocyboides (Hesler & A.H. Sm.) E. Larss., stat. nov., https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Vorinostat-saha.html Pudorini, and Salmonicolores E. Larss., subsect. nov. Comments Bataille (1910) named an unranked group Pudorini and divided it into two parts, 1) Exannulati (lacking an annulus) with H. miniaceus Beck, H. queletii Bres., H. pudorinus Fr. var. rubescens Beck, H. russula var. rubescens Fr., and H. capreolarius, and 2) Subannulati (subannulate) with H. purpurascens (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. and H. persicinus Beck. With one exception, the composition of Bataille’s [unranked] Pudorini is consistent with

sect. Pudorini in our analyses, though the subgroups Exannulati and Subannulati are not concordant with the main branches corresponding to subsections. Konrad and Maublanc (1937) combined Bataille’s Pudorini at section rank Montelukast Sodium in Hygrophorus. Singer (1986) recognized sect. Pudorini (Bataille) Konrad & Maubl., with subsects “Erubescentes” Hesler & A.H. Sm. and “Fulvoincarnati” Hesler & A.H. Sm. Neither subsect. “Erubescentes” nor “Fulvoincarnati” (Smith and Hesler 1939) are valid, however, because they lacked Latin diagnoses that were required beginning in 1935 (Art. 36.1). Singer’s circumscription of subsect. “Erubescentes” (invalid) corresponds to a strongly supported (95 % MP BS) clade in the four-gene analysis presented by Larsson (2010; unpublished data) that combines subsects. Pudorini and Clitocyboides. Subsect. “Fulvoincarnati” [invalid] is largely concordant with the new subsect., Salmonicolores. Arnolds (1990) placed species belonging to the Pudorini clade in sect. Hygrophorus, with species of subsect. Pudorini in subsect. “Erubescentes” [invalid], and species of subsect. Clitocyboides in subsect. Pudorini owing to the misapplication of the name H.

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