Table 2 Frequency of chief Complaints Table 3 Description of Clinical EPZ5676 chemical structure Variables Hypochondriac obsessions were more common in the married (P=0.024), elder (P<0.001) and lower educated people (P<0.001).Insomnia was more common in people with rural cultural background (P=0.009) and in individuals with lower education (P<0.001). Guilt feeling was more common in the older
and younger people compared to middle aged patients (P<0.001). Also it was more frequent in people with urban cultural background (P=0.048). Loss of appetite was more prevalent among older and younger people compared to middle aged patients (P=0.017) and in people with rural cultural background (P=0.003). Loss of concentration was less Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical frequent in the elders (P=0.006). There was no significant difference in loss of interest between these five groups. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Suicidal ideation were present more frequently among married persons (P<0.001), the lower age group (P<0.001) and people with rural cultural background (P=0.027). Suicidal attempt was more frequent in the lower age group (P=0.009) and in the married ones (P=0.047). Our study showed no difference in suicidal ideation and suicidal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical attempt between men and women. There was no significant difference in weight loss between these five
groups. People with lower education (P<0.001) and with rural cultural background (P=0.001) related their symptoms to physical rather than emotional problems. In response to the question about the “cause of illness”, people with rural cultural background used more “I do not know” answers (P=0.037). Also, women pointed to marital problems and men to life difficulties as the main causes of their illness (P<0.001).Despair prevailed among Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the singles (P=0.012). Crying was more usual in women (P<0.001). Discussion In general, this
study confirmed our initial assumption about a different profile of depressive symptoms in Iranians compared to the Western population. Our patients showed a high frequency of somatic symptoms, especially pain, as a manifestation of depression. Contrary to the common findings discussed second in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the Western literature, we could not find a difference between men and women in suicidal ideation and attempt. However, some of our findings are in accordance with the profile of depressive symptoms in Western countries. Because of the large number of the variables and to prevent confusion, the depressive symptoms are discussed as separate entities in the following sections. Pain and Physical Symptoms This study showed the importance of “somatization” in a group of depressed patients who seemed to have no word for their emotions. This inability can be related to low education, cultural background, and gender. The answer ”I do not know” was more common in people with rural cultural backgrounds. It was the only way of expressing their inner emotional state.