The seasons of onset are usually autumn and winter (but there is

The seasons of onset are usually autumn and winter (but there is also a summer subtype), and remissions usually occur in spring or summer. Seasonal depressions may be also subsyndromal.

Symptoms of seasonal depression are often atypical ones such as hypersomnia and overeating, and depressions are usually mild to moderate. Probands may have seasonal affective disorder in first-degree relatives, but it is unclear whether Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical its frequency is higher than in nonseasonal depression probands. In summer, at least 30% have hypomanic episodes. Diagnostic stability is low, being present in 20% to 40% of patients, which questions the diagnostic validity of seasonal affective disorder. Bulimia and anxiety disorders frequently co-occur. Community prevalence of seasonal affective disorder may range between less than 1% and more than 10%, and it is Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical related to ARQ197 molecular weight latitude (lower in warmer and sunnier countries). It is more common in women and in young age. Seasonal affective disorder is thought to be mainly caused by lack of light in winter (short photoperiod), and phototherapy seems to be a useful treatment.105-107 Dysthymic disorder According to DSM-IV-TR, dysthymic disorder is a lowgrade, persistent depression,

causing clinically significant distress or impairment of functioning. Its diagnostic criteria require depressed mood for at least 2 years, plus poor eating Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical or overeating, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy, low self-esteem, poor concentration or difficulty making decisions, and hopelessness (at least two). No major depressive episode must have been present during the first 2 years, or a major depressive episode must have had full remission for at least 2 months before the onset of dysthymic disorder. After the first 2 years, a major depressive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical episode may be superimposed. There must be no history

of mania, hypomania, mixed state, or cyclothymic disorder. DSM-IV-TR specifies a much more common early-onset subtype Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (onset before age 21 years). It seems that vegetative symptoms are less common than in major depressive episode. Up to 75% of individuals with dysthymic disorder will have a major depressive disorder. The main difference from the major GSK-3 depressive episode is the duration, which must always be at least 2 years. The difference in the number of symptoms (a minimum of five in major depressive episode, a minimum of three in dysthymic disorder) makes retrospective assessment difficult. The prospective studies of nonbipolar depression by Angst and Judd have shown a high instability of the various categories of DSM-IV-TR nonbipolar depression, as symptom number, severity, and duration fluctuate over time, supporting a dimensional approach.3, 10, 98 Up to 30% of dysthymic disorder individuals can switch to hypomania when treated by antidepressants (more often when there is a family history of bipolar disorder), suggesting a link to bipolar II disorder.

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