
narrow endemic species that have never been collect


narrow endemic species that have never been collected are absent from our analysis. We can hypothesize that quadrats near to well-collected quadrats with many narrow endemic species (Fig. 6a) might also hold more narrow endemic species. Considering the low levels of collecting and taxonomic activity in Amazonia in combination with the shortcomings of our method, the question remains elusive, whether narrow endemic species are a common phenomenon in Amazonia. Clarification in this matter can only be achieved by sampling of quadrats which have not been sampled appropriately (Bates and Demos 2001; Hopkins 2007), by taxonomical classification selleck compound of the unidentified specimens already deposited in herbaria (Ruokolainen et al. 2002) and by publishing of these results as well as constant complementing and updating of databases with this information. Accordingly, our long-time objective is the complementing and updating of our database in combination with the integration of topographic or satellite-based or species-related information THZ1 manufacturer in the process of interpolating (e.g. inclusion of detailed soil data in combination with knowledge of the edaphic demands of species). Protection status

In the Neotropics, almost 90% of the quadrats are without or with low protection status according to the WDPA 2007 (WDPA Consortium 2008; Fig. 5a, b). This figure is worryingly high, and reveals the size of many protected areas to be rather small. Species richness in better protected quadrats (Fig. 5c, d) in populated regions is low, which hints at the conflict between species diversity and human settlement; the existence of large cities in a

Endonuclease quadrat excludes the establishment of large protected areas. Bearing in mind the limitations of our approach, the large number of endemic-rich quadrats lacking protection status (Fig. 6b) demonstrates the urgency of the situation. Such quadrats were found in all parts of the Neotropical region. Since our database probably excludes many as yet undescribed narrow endemic species, the picture could be substantially worse. Many quadrats in particular in north-eastern Amazonia are empty in our map, and rather poorly provided with protected areas. In comparison to a previous analysis based on the WDPA 2005 (Morawetz and Raedig 2007), some quadrats containing many narrow endemic species but lacking protection status are now protected. However, as shown in Fig. 5, the proportion of the respective quadrats under protection is often small (Grenyer et al. 2006). Our map of protection status of narrow endemic species (Fig. 6b) could serve as s a first step towards prioritizing the creation of protected sites, while better resolution of endemism data would greatly improve the results. In summary, the distribution patterns found here, although based on incomplete data and therefore preliminary, advocate the establishment of further protected areas in the Neotropics.

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