To determine the global direction and speed of an object, a motio

To determine the global direction and speed of an object, a motion integration process is required because early direction neurons only detect local motion (i.e., the “aperture problem”). On the other hand, to distinguish an object from its background, a differential process is required (cf. Zhou et al., 2000). As previously hypothesized, these two motion functions may be subserved by two different motion pathways, a motion

integration process in the dorsal stream (V1→MT→MST) and a motion differentiation process in the ventral stream (V1→V2→V4) ( Braddick, 1993). There is some evidence to support this hypothesis. Osimertinib Ventral and dorsal stream motion signals are anatomically distinguishable from the initial stages of cortical processing. As early as V1, two classes of directional cells can be distinguished in different sublayers of layer 4B (Nassi and Callaway, 2007). MT-projecting V1 cells, which are large cells in lower layer 4B underlying blobs, mediate fast transmission of magnocellular-drive input. V1 neurons projecting EGFR targets to the ventral

stream are smaller, slower, and positioned to integrate magnocellular and parvocellular derived inputs. At the next stage in the ventral pathway, in V2, neurons in the thick stripes are known to be sensitive to coherent-motion-defined lines (Peterhans and von der Heydt, 1993) and exhibit orientation selectivity for both differential motion-defined borders and luminance contrast-defined borders (Marcar et al., 2000). Consistent with these electrophysiological findings, optical imaging studies demonstrate that orientation domains in thick/pale stripes are invariant for luminance borders and motion contrast-defined borders (H.L. et al. unpublished data), suggesting a common functional organization for contour processing in V2 thick stripes. This cue-invariant border recognition process is also found in V4. Mysore et al. (2006) examined V4 responses to motion

contours (borders between two patches of random dots drifting in Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II different directions). They found that a significant proportion of V4 neurons showed selectivity to the orientation of such second-order contours and similar orientation selectivity to first- and second-order contours. Imaging studies have also revealed motion-contour orientation maps in V4 similar to conventional orientation maps (H.L. et al. unpublished data). Thus, the nature of motion signals described thus far is consistent with the role of V4 in detecting differential motion. Such a “motion differentiation process” may play a central role in figure-ground segregation. The summaries presented here suggest that V4 plays a role in the representation of a complex array of visual stimulus features. These include: surface features such as color, luminance, shading, texture (Arcizet et al., 2008 and Arcizet et al.

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